Episode 21

Published on:

26th Dec 2023

He Gave Away Millions of Dollars of Other People's Money! – Dan Koval

Can you imagine giving away tens of millions of dollars?

Can you imagine getting PAID to give away tens of millions of dollars?

That probably sounds like a dream job for many people, and it was for Dan Koval… that is until one day when he decided to do the unimaginable… he left.

Now, instead of giving away money, Dan’s new role puts him across the table where he’s now asking for money.

In this episode, episode 21, Dan talks about the power of developing relationships, how being a lifelong learner can literally take you anywhere in the world, and showing up every day and giving your best.

Discussion Points

Dan's Life Lessons

  1. The Value of a Strong Work Ethic
  2. The Gift of Learning
  3. Going the Extra Mile

Dan & James dive into:

  • The humility of asking for help
  • Being a college dropout
  • The 'art of Googling'
  • Asking the right questions
  • "That's not my job"
  • "If others can learn to do it, I can too."
Show artwork for Confidence Covered By Humility

About the Podcast

Confidence Covered By Humility
Lead your company, your small businesses, your team, and your home with humble confidence. James Mayhew partners with business leaders who want to build a culture that performs, inspires confidence in others, and serve with extraordinary excellence.
Leadership coach, James Mayhew, explores what it takes to lead your company, your small businesses, your teams, and your home with humble confidence.

James Mayhew partners with business leaders who want to build a culture that performs, inspires confidence in others, and serve with extraordinary excellence.

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High Performance Workplace Culture Video Series


About your host

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James Mayhew

James Mayhew is an expert on organizational culture and values-based leadership. He is the former chief culture officer for one of the fastest growing small business in the country leading them to also becoming one of the most attractive workplaces in the Midwest.
James partners with business leaders to build world-class workplaces through his Purpose Driven Teams framework which seamlessly integrates strategic direction, execution disciplines and organizational culture, helping company leaders have assurance they have excellent people doing exceptional work on the most important things.